List of Fever Tests Test


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  • Allergy
  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Fever Tests
  • Full Body
  • Heart
  • Hormone Tests
  • STDs
  • Thyroid

Must Have Test

  • Blood Urea
  • CRP
  • Creatinine Serum
  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • HbA1c
  • KFT Profile
  • Lipid Profile

List Of Fever Tests Test

CBC with ESR, Hemogram

Includes 3 ml EDTA Blood and Direct Smear - 2 Nos.

₹ 300

Chikungunya IgM By Rapid Antigen

Includes 2 mL (0.5 mL min.) serum from Serum Separator Tube (Yellow) SST. Haemolysed specimens are not acceptable. Ship refrigerated or frozen.

₹ 700

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